Friday, September 13, 2013

Assignment: Report

We expect everyone to deliver a report from the discussion on Friday afternoon. Take notes and write about your findings, disagreements, discoveries et cetera during the talk. One report per group. Not more than A4 (unless necessary). We also want you to specify who did what in the group, who went to the field trip, who did the interview or such.
The report and the team-report is part of the project and compulsory for a grade.

Delivery file format: PDF
Upload: as the previous delivery.
Deadline: 09:00 Monday 16th of September, preferable Friday afternoon

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lecture: Owen Hatherley

Friday 10:45 (approx) at the Röda Tältet:

Owen Hatherley is an English critic and writer; mostly on urbanism, architecture and politics. Among his books are: "Militant Modernism" 2009 (a return to the true roots of Modernism and 'a defence of Modernism against its defenders') and "A Guide to the New Ruins of Great Britain" 2010 plus "A New Kind of Bleak", 2012. The two last ones are a collection of articles from Urban Trawl, a regular feature in the British magazine Building Design. Owen also writes for the Guardian and blogs at Sit down, man, you're a bloody tragedy. Some viideos: On Brutalism and Heritageon New Labour's regeneration legacy, at the Architectural Foundation.

Lecture: Håkan Forsell

Friday at 09:00 Röda Tältet:

Håkan Forsell on Stockholm.
Håkan Forsell is an urban historian and researcher, who is working at the Center for Metropolitan Studies at TU-Berlin and at the University of Stockholm. Much of his interesting work-in-progresss is collected at his blog, Arbetsbok (in Swedish). Earlier this year, in June, his book "Bebodda Platser: studier av vår urbana samtidshistoria" was published. Together with the editor of Arkitektur, Dan Hallemar, Håkan has recently started a podcast: Staden – here.

Result: Work-In-Progress

The first 116 pages are up now. The final version will be published during next week.

Delivery: Upload complete!

It seems like everyone have uploaded their work. It looks good! A work-in-progress PDF will be posted here as soon as we can compress the 400 MB mega-PDF we have.


We've had a few questions about some of the entries on the Urban ID card (i.e. the template). Some find it hard to get the info about the number of square meters. We suggest you try:

a) the municipality yearbook or statistic yearbook
b) call the municipality, the information office or the planning department.
c) if that doesn't work, you might use QGIS to calculate the footprint. Group Lidingö succefully did it this way. Note: it can be quite time consuming.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Delivery: Tomorrow

We expect everyone to upload their work at 13:00 on the server. On how, please read: this.
As everyone is dependent on getting access to the material, it is important that you respect this time. Once you have uploaded, you will be downloading the material from the group you're meeting on Friday afternoon (for session A and B, please read: this.)

What we want to find in your folder:

– One (1) PDF containing:
1. The ID-page according to template
2. Page 2: a municipality map/plan of the existing situation
3. Page 3: a municipality map/plan of planned/projected expansion/vision
4: Pages 4–: the bulk of your work. No upper limit on the number of pages, but please be somewhat economic with the space

– One folder with the packaged InDesign document:
Export the whole document with FILE>PACKAGE and save the all the material in a folder. Then compress it before uploading (ZIP, RAR). A short tutotial here.

Reminder: Wednesday 13:00

The presentation of electibles is at 13:00 in the Red Tent.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yesterday on TV

ABC - a news program  in Swedish - had a short report on the housing market:
Document: Bygg PDF

More on HSB's current and previous reports here
And a short wiki entry about: HSB

An interesting entry (in Swedish) on HSB's blog why less planning and more building is good. A response to a report (SOU) from the government, "En effektivare plan- och bygglovsprocess".  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Resource: More GIS

A couple more useful links in the information jungle:

SCB's GIS: More from SCB, interesting data, but a bit hard to find your way around
SCB Analysis: Statistic through a nice and online interface. You can actually add data by uploading it. Unsure on how you can export the results.
Greater Stockholm GIS Dept: PDF-maps of the municipalities with further divisions

Geometry: scales
As your questions get more and more precise, maybe so is your requirement of specific data. But not everything is free, the freely available resolution usually seem to stop at the municipality level. If you find other sources, please let us know.

Sweden: free
Region: free
Municipality: free
Parish (pastorat, cf socken) : not free
Basområde: not free
Zip-code: not free


We managed to find some good data on housing stats, ownership vs rent : here

Delivery: Upload

We expect that everyone will make their material available to each other at 13:00 on Thursday the 12th.
File: PDF (standard compression)
Format: A4 - portrait, template as below

Where to upload: KTH Webfile Manager
Folder: Link [you need to login]
root/KTH Studentresurser/kurser/ARCH/orienteringskurs 2013

Resource: Housing data

For those looking for data on the housing stock, the proportion of ownership vs rent apartments, you'll find the data at SCB (as usual). 

more data to follow - we haven't found a really good source, yet.


Here's the template: ZIP. It contains two pages, one introductory page and one generic page, for the other pages.
Below, some suggestions on how to use (please note, the template is a previous work-in-progress design).

We expect everyone to deliver three (3) standard pages:

Page 1: the urban ID card (as specified in the template) - please edit the embedded illustration to show where your municipality is located.
Page 2: a plan of the municipality as it is, today
Page 3: a plan of the municipality as planned, or visioned

In addition to these required pages, we expect a additional number of pages where you present your research. We haven't set a maximum number of pages, but please be some what precise in your presentation.

Update Monday 9th Sept 16:40

some clarifications:

- Death and birth rates: the crude rate (the one you will be using) is, for example, the total deaths in one municipality in one year divided by the total population that year in the municipality.

- Layout: We'll try to arrange the pages so that the first page of every group will be on the right hand side of a spread.

Resource: SCB's housing data

Sweden's Statistics Bureau publishes an extensive book on Sweden's housing market. Here: PDF

Friday, September 6, 2013

Resource: Slogans

Almost all of Sweden's municipalities has one, or several, slogans. Stockholm's own is nowadays "The Capital of Scandinavia". The others' are available here:
Var femte invånare är en häst [book] and a sample. And the book's project blog.

Reference: Crack, Bubble & Pop

Just a link to the blog of Crack, Bubble and Pop: here. A seminar course, Speculations, Bubbles and Collapses, held at KTH-A in Stockholm spring 2013.

Presentation: Next Friday

After lunch next Friday (13th) the presentations will take place. Session one starts after lunch, 13:00. Session two starts at 15:00.

Please note that this is a preliminary list and changes may occur later. Please check again.

13:00–14:30 Session A
Location: Red Tent
7+18: Lidingö and Täby
6+16: Järfälla and Södertälje
Location: A3
4+23: Haninge and Värmdö
Location: A4
5+14: Huddinge and Solna
Location: Ateliers, level 5 [Övre Ateljén]
3+13: Ekerö and Sollentuna
1+20: Botkyrka and Upplands Väsby
15:00–16:30 Session B
Location: Red Tent
9+17: Nykvarn and Tyresö
8+15: Nacka and Sundbyberg
Location: A3
12+19: Sigtuna and Upplands Bro
Location: A4
2+21: Danderyd and Vallentuna
Location: Ateliers, level 5 [Övre Ateljén]
11+24: Salem and Österåker
10+22: Nynäshamn and Vaxholm

Updated Wednesday 11th
Please - note that the list is updated: group 1 has been moved to session A, and group 10 has been moved to session B.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Sorry about this, but the template is delayed. It is not too much to worry about though.

Lecture: Jennifer Mack

View Larger Map

Jennifer Mack is an American architect and researcher from MIT and Harvard. Her dissertation - "Producing the Public: Architecture, Urban Planning, and Immigration in a Swedish Town, 1965 to the Present"- focused on Södertäljer and more specifically on Syriacs. Above a street view from Lina Hage, the part sometimes referred to as Hollywood.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lecture: Michelle Provoost

Michelle Provoost is a Dutch architectural historian and a co-founder of Crimson Architectural Historians (above). She is now the director of the International New Town Institute in Almere. Two on-line lectures can be found here: at the Strelka Institute, Moscow and the fourth INTI conference.
Publications from the New Town Institute can be found, here, and more about Crimson, here.

The lecture is held in the Red Tent at 10:00, Thursday the 5th of September.

Resource: GIS Tutorials

Just some tutorials on QGIS:

1. QGIS: Introduction
2. QGIS: Tools
3. QGIS: Symbology
4. QGIS: Finding & Selecting Data

And another one: QGIS

Resource: Maps / GIS

A great, actually the best, resource for Swedish maps is Lantmäteriet which you, as students, have free access to. Login through here. You can find:

Vector Maps. Format: Shape-file
Översiktskartan: Overview. Detail standard scale 1:250 000
Vägkartan: Roadmap. Detail: 1:100 000
Terrängkartan. Terrain. Detail: 1:50 000
Fastighetskartan. Property map. Detail: 1:5000 - 1:20 000
Vegetationskartan. Detail:
Ortnamn: Place names.
Laserdata: 3D-scans of the topograhy. Comes in 2x2 km squares with approx 9 million points. Requires a software that reads the LAS-format. Highly detailed.

Raster Maps: as above but rasterized. Except:
Höjddata: Height data. Data delivered in TIF-format
Ortofoto: Ortho photo / satellite imagery [example - see above]

All the vector maps are delivered in shape-files (ArcGIS) and with a choise of two projections:
epsg3006 SWEREF99TM 
epsg3021 RT90 2.5 gon V

SWEREF is the preferable.

You need to define what part of Sweden you want. A tutorial here: Youtube. And a document: doc
By default and by mistake you can have two emails when you're checking out the material. Please erase one. If doesn't work, restart the browser. Yesterday they had some problems with KTH, but according to the support everything should work by now.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Stadsbyggnadsdagen 2013

For those of you who are going to Upplands Väsby, here's a downloadable program: PDF.

See this post for the times: here

Important: we don't have any paper tickets, your name should be enough at the door.

24 Groups - 24 Municipalities

The are 24 groups and approximately 230 students (nobody knows exactly). Around noon we will present the groups. If you need to change group, please consult us.
Please note: We've had reports from who have had a different listing while browsing this blog on a phone. So, please double check what municipality you actually have.

  1. Botkyrka
  2. Danderyd
  3. Ekerö
  4. Haninge
  5. Huddinge
  6. Järfälla
  7. Lidingö
  8. Nacka
  9. Nykvarn
  10. Nynäshamn
  11. Salem
  12. Sigtuna
  13. Sollentuna
  14. Solna
  15. Sundbyberg
  16. Södertälje
  17. Tyresö
  18. Täby
  19. Upplands-Bro
  20. Upplands Väsby
  21. Vallentuna
  22. Vaxholm
  23. Värmdö 
  24. Österåker

Reference: City in a Box, Volume #34

Volume NO. 34 is a good example of urban case-studies. Editor: Michelle Provoost.

Lecture: Ola Andersson

Vykort från Utopia on Vimeo.

Tuesday the 3rd of September at 15:00 in Röda Tältet:

Ola Andersson about Stockholm.
He is an architect with a own practice Anderson Arfwedson (until very recently: A1-Arkitekter) and a architectural critic at Dagens Nyheter, previously at Svenska Dagbladet. His first book: Vykort från Utopia (Postcards from Utopia) was published 2012.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Zaha Hadid Architects: Väsby Entré (2012–)

This course will focus on the suburbs, exurbs and the dynamics of an expanding urban fabric in Greater Stockholm. The purpose is to study the relationship between the different parts of Metropolitan Stockholm. The growth is never homogeneous, it results from the competition that has generated different development techniques in different parts, such as: tax policies, economic incentives, singular and sometimes spectacular architectural projects, etc.
The study excludes the obvious study object – the City of Stockholm – as it is contentiously studied, super complex and interesting in many ways, it also blocks ways of taking a fresh look at 24 other urban municipalities that makes up Greater Stockholm.

Research issues to consider
– A timeline of the municipality’s development, politics and policies during the post-war period until today
– Focus on today: How do the municipalities respond to the main challenges of contemporary Swedish society? And, what has actually changed since the the “miljonprogrammet”?
– What kind of impact does Architecture have on urban development today and the degree of architect’s involvement in the urban development.
– Important projects, typologies and type of programs that have the most influence on the contemporary urban development in the suburbia.
– In response to the ‘starchitects’ role in many global cities, what kind of role should architects have in the urban development in the future?
– Who builds the city? What type of decision making constellations and power structures define the process of development in each municipality and what type of political and ideological forces dominate?
– Describe the qualities of Swedish suburbia of today
– s there a distinction between the city and suburb of today in the given context of Greater Stockholm?
– Where does the money come from? Lenders, speculators,
–  Beyond suburbia: what kind of urban typologies can we find outside the classic images av suburban lif. Does sprawl, rurban clusters, zoomburbs and exurbs exist here?

Type of work: collaborative in groups of 8–9 people. See the post on groups.
Delivery: Thursday, 12th September 13:00 @ server
Type: PDF
Format: A4, standing. Layout according to InDesign template, as presented here on the blog on Thursday the 5th.
Required pages: Municipality ID-Card + plan: as it is now + plan: planned expansions. Please check the template post for specific info on these pages.
Presentation: The project will be presented as a seminar/discussion on the afternoon Friday the 13th. And, the collective research will be presented on-line as PDF-document.

24 Municipalities

View Larger Map

Download the KML-file for Google Earth or QGIS: here


All lectures are presented in Röda Tältet.

9:00 Intro + Registrering. Röda Tältet
13:00 The super basics of GIS: Why, where, how.
We recommend that 1 from each group attends.
15:00 Ola Andersson – Architect and critic. Andersson Arfwedson + DN. New book: "Vykort från Utopia"

FIELD DAY: time to visit your municipality
9:00–16:30 Stadsbyggnadsdagen 2013, Upplands Väsby. Patrick Schumacher/Zaha Hadid Architects among others lectures. See separate schedule below and here
Available tickets for students: 22

10:00 Michelle Provoost – Dutch Architectural Historian. Crimson + NTI
13:00 Jennifer Mack – American architect and researcher
15:00 Camilla Elmhorn – Economic historian. New book: "Från hot till löfte : Stockholms ekonomiska omvandling 1945-2010" // The lecture is unfortunately cancelled

10-12 Open Desk at fiket
13-15 Open Desk at fiket


9:00 Meeting in Röda Tältet
10-12 Open Desk at fiket
13-15 Open Desk at fiket

10-12 Open Desk at fiket

13–15 Studio Electives for year 4–5 (Christina Pech)

Hand In: 13:00
Preparation for seminar on Friday: 13:00–

9:00-10:30 Håkan Forsell – Urban historian and writer. Info + Blog. New book: "Bebodda platser"
10:45-12:00 Owen Hatherley – British writer and critic. Blog + Guardian + wiki.
13:00 -17:00 As below

Presentation/Discussions Friday 13 + 15 (1,5 hour)
6 locations (A3 + A4 + Röda Tältet 1 & 2 + Övre Ateljen 1 & 2)
2 groups in each location (2 x 6)2 = 24 groups in total

Schedule: Stadsbyggnadsdagen

Program Stadsbyggnadsdagen 2013

Info taken from: here.
Google Translate: here 
Please note that only two of the lectures are in English, Brent Toderian and Patrik Schumacher

08.30 - 09.00 Registrering och kaffe
09.00 Välkommen
Per-Erik Kanström, Komunstyrelsens ordförande i Väsby, Fredrik Drotte, samhällsutvecklingschef i Väsby samt Anders Johansson, Prodekan KTH hälsar välkommen och presenterar årets tema Identitet.
9.30 Stefan Attefall, Bostadsminister
Vad spelar boende och bostadsbyggande för roll för platser, städer och religioners identitet?
10.00 Brent Toderian, President of TODERIAN Urban WORKS
Setting, City, Place: The Vancouver City-Making Model
10.30 Frågor med mentometermoment
10.45 Fika
11.05 Valbara miniseminarier
De miniseminarier du kan välja mellan kan du läsa mer om här.
11.50 Lunch
12:50 Gunnar Wetterberg, historiker
Den sammanhållna staden - från rötterna till framtiden
13.35 Paus
13.50 Valbara miniseminarier
De miniseminarier du kan välja mellan kan du läsa mer om här.
14.35 Fika
14.50 Diana Uppman, VD BVD
Den utmärkta platsen
15.20 Frågor med mentometermoment
15.30 Patrik Schumacher, architect and Company Director of Zaha Hadid Architects
Identity of Place
16.00 Frågor med mentometermoment
16.10 Avslutning, summering av dagen
16.30 Mingel i samarbete med BRABO. 
Mingla med föreläsare och alla andra deltagare på Stadsbyggnadsdagen

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Start: 3rd September

The first meeting and registration takes place on Tuesday the 3rd of September, at 9:00 in the Red Tent.